The songs were written and recorded spontaneously, without overthinking. The idea behind the recording was to create an audio document of a particular moment in time, rather like an entry in a diary. The songs were recorded purely for personal pleasure, taking influence from bands such as Felt, The Pastels, Galaxie 500, Guided By Voices, The Velvet Underground, and The Lemon Drops, amongst many others. Upon the interest of Action Weekend Records, the audio document idea was extended to 10 songs over the space of 10 nights. Drums, percussion and glockenspiel were provided by Bryan Styles (a bandmate of Jack’s from 25 years earlier).
The songs, the melodies and the recording are simple and restrained. The acoustic compositions are accompanied by organ, Rhodes, melodeon, vibraphone and more, with production that is rich and warm. “Miles to Go” sees Chris Jack moving beyond the snotty, cynical vocals and lyrics, the fuzz guitars and rough-edged production aesthetic of garage rock, and emerging into something as bare, vulnerable and intimate as a solo album should be.
"A slowly piercing series of meditative cycles, ‘Miles To Go’ presents 10 tracks that channel Galaxie 500’s spider-like minimalism, the warmth of early Low, or even the twilight introspection of the Velvet Underground’s bummed out third album. It’s all fuelled by this desire to communicate, something that allows the opening title track to truly get under your skin."
"A record about growth and self-knowledge, ‘Miles To Go’ is the sound of the UK born songwriter finally looking in the mirror. Shorn of vintage tropes, it buzzes with minimalist invention, with songs such as ‘Thought’ and ‘Elephant’ betraying a unique kind of delicacy".
"‘Miles To Go’ is Chris Jack at his most allusive, yet curiously also his most direct. One to seek out." Robin Murray (Clash Magazine 27-10-20)
Bryan Styles – Drums, Percussion, Glockenspiel.
All songs written by Christopher Jack. Arranged by Christopher Jack and Bryan Styles.
Recorded at the Jack residence, the Styles residence and Soy Studio.
Mixed and mastered by Andy Shartle at Black Diamond Recording Studios, OR.
Cover painting by Alexander Shosuke Ono. Design by Carlos Espejo.